
Welcome to the May 2024 edition of The Quintessential Brief. As we approach the end of financial year, the Quinns team are hard at work, dedicated to maximising your tax savings, delivering specialised services and ensuring every detail is expertly managed. 

Economic Landscape & Taxation Advice

Australia is currently undergoing a period of adjustment as interest rates continue to rise following an extended period of being exceptionally low. This, combined with the escalating cost of living, mounting business pressures, and a prevailing sense of caution in both business and individual transactions, has significantly heightened the importance of strategic decision-making and financial prudence in shaping the economic landscape.

Businesses are re-evaluating investments, tightening budgets, and focusing on operational efficiency to weather this period of change. As we enter a period of consolidation and innovation it’s imperative to seek expert advice regarding your tax planning, EOFY tax advice, and dispute resolution. This may improve your business’ financial position, ensure compliance and optimise financial strategies.

In this latest edition of The Quintessential Brief, we’ve gathered information on tax planning, EOFY tax advice and resolving director and shareholder disputes that we hope you will find useful. If there are any legal, tax or accounting issues you would like to discuss or perhaps you would like us to write about in future editions, please contact us on (02) 9223 9166. Alternatively, visit our website www.quinns.com.au and submit an online enquiry

Take a look at our featured articles from the May 2024 edition

Unlock the Value of Expert tax Planning

Best End of Financial Year Tax Tips

Resolving Director & Shareholder Disputes

Expert Help is Close At Hand

At The Quinn Group, our expertise is in helping our clients to navigate the complex, and often stressful challenges of their financial situation. We’d love to talk to you about how we can help, no matter your situation. From capital gains tax advice, due diligence, resolving director disputes and many other tax, accounting, legal, and merger and acquisition matters. Get in touch by calling us on + 61 2 9223 9166 or complete an online enquiry form.

Quinns Family is Expanding

We are thrilled to have welcomed new staff members to The Quinn Group family and look forward to more joining us soon. This enables us to further grow and deliver the expertise and personalised service that you expect from our expert team of advisors.

Wishing you and your loved ones all the best as we head into a new financial year.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.


Michael and the team at Quinns